Blanca Valbuena

What to wear in Lisbon in October?

AskCategory: LisbonWhat to wear in Lisbon in October?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 7 years ago
I am going to Lisbon next Monday October 4th I am wondering what type of clothes to bring. Is it still warm enough for shorts and t-shirts? I am only hand luggage so I need to pack wisely.
3 Answers
Blanca Valbuena Staff answered 7 years ago

It really depends. The weather has been changing a lot. A safe bet is to wear a nice pair of pants and layer. Tee-shirt and a sweater or a light jacket you can take off when you need to if it gets hot. The average high is 72° and the average low is 59°, so that's a bit of a fluctuation. And always comfortable shoes with non-slip soles. Lisbon's stone sidewalks are very slippery.

Blanca Staff answered 7 years ago

Tee-shirt and a sweater or a light jacket you can take off when you need to if it gets hot.

Antonio Evans Staff answered 7 years ago

Last year I was in shorts and at the beach. So really depends. Novemeber I was at the beach too lol!