Blanca Valbuena

Portuguese medical insurance

AskCategory: MedicalPortuguese medical insurance
Peter Mihas asked 4 years ago

Dear Blanca:

My wife and I are US citizens, and we recently purchased a house in the eastern Algarve. I am 72 and my wife is 58. We plan on spending about 5 months in the house from mid-December 2020 to early June 2021. We would like to have a Portuguese medical insurance policy during our stay. Can you recommend some companies to us? Sometime in 2021 we will probably apply for non-habitual resident status. Thank you. Peter Mihas

1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Peter,

Your wife can easily get insured (it's very easy until you hit 65 years old). Since you are older, you will need to contact Medal. They insure people over 65 with an Afpop membership.

Welcome to Portugal!