I LOVE dogs. I don’t feel my home is complete without a dog, so I knew that when I moved to Portugal I would soon adopt a four-legged, Cheeto-smelling, wet-nosed best friend. I was lucky to meet the people at Pegadas e Bigodes where I adopted Santino the Podengo. They are a wonderful organization and I highly recommend them when you are looking for the perfect canine match for your home. When it came to finding a vet, I was lucky. The Sociedade Protetora dos Animais has a vet office in my neighborhood and I think they are wonderful. Sure, Santino hates going there, but I know they are gentle sweet people and that he is safe with them. I became a member (it’s I think €15 or €20 per year). It helps their organization and comes with great perks, including discounts on vet fees. Other vets may charge differently, but here, I will post what I pay for Santino’s care. Keep in mind that he is medium-sized (11 kg or 24 lbs), so for certain treatments, for example, those that need anesthesia, the price will be higher if you have a larger dog.

How Much Does It Cost To Take My Dog For A Vet Visit?
A plain old regular visit with my SPA membership costs just €15, not bad at all right?
What Is The Cost For Prescriptions For Dogs In Portugal?

The cost of Advantix Flea & Tick in Portugal for my 24 lb dog is just under €10.
What Is The Cost Of Medicines For Dogs In Portugal?
Avantix Flea & Tick Protection for 25 kg dog
Cardisure 10 pills
Bravecto 20 kg Dog
Profender Heart Worm Protection for 30 kg dog – two doses for my dog
What Is The Cost Of Vaccines For Dogs In Portugal?
Rabies Vaccine
Kennel Cough Vaccine
Leishmaniasis Vaccine
What Is The Cost Of Services/Grooming For Dogs In Portugal?
Deep Dental Cleaning
€96.30 ( w/ anaesthesia & antibiotics)
€128.00 ( w/ anaesthesia & antibiotics)
€130.00 ( w/ anaesthesia & antibiotics)
Nail Trim (Doggy Pedicure)
€4.40 Used to be free
I will keep adding to this list of medical costs for dogs in Portugal. If you have a question about something specific, leave it in the comments and I’ll ask my vet.
NOTE: Wondering what the incidence of Rabies is in dogs in Portugal? You will be pleasantly surprised to learn that there is almost 0% rabies in dogs in Portugal. In fact, the last case of rabies that was transmitted in Portugal was in 1952. The last fatal case in Portugal happened in 2011, but the affected woman caught it when she was bitten by a dog in Guinea-Bissau.
Do costs vary from vet to vet or are prices fixed by the government?
Hi Laura,
The prices for visits and dog medicine vary from vet to vet, so this post was to give people an idea of what they could pay. Our vet only charges €15 for regular consultations because we are members. The prices for non-members are slightly higher (membership costs €15 per year). I know of friends who pay around €30 for a visit. The prices of medicines will vary as well depending on where you purchase them (and the size of your dog) – for example, El Corte Ingles sells dog medicines, but the costs there are higher than at my dog’s vet’s office. I chose my vet not only for their prices but because they do really good works in helping animals in need.
Even if you go with a more expensive vet, it will be less expensive than what you would pay in the US. There, I paid I think something like $40 per month and on top of that, I paid around $60 per visit. It was nuts.
Hope this information helped