Blanca Valbuena

AskCategory: Travel
How does the gas card work for Portuguese Gas Stations?
OpenLeopold Lapansi asked 6 years ago • 
926 views0 answers0 votes
Where can I find cheap glasses in Lisbon?
AnsweredBlanca Valbuena answered 6 years ago • ,
2227 views1 answers0 votes
Does Amazon deliever to Portugal?
AnsweredAntonio Evans answered 6 years ago • 
1349 views1 answers0 votes
Where do wealth people go out in Lisbon?
Antonio Evans asked 6 years ago • ,
1178 views0 answers0 votes
Furnitures repair near Lisbon
Antonio Evans asked 6 years ago • ,
1168 views0 answers0 votes
What is the best bank in Portugal for an Expat?
Antonio Evans asked 6 years ago • 
1161 views0 answers0 votes
Can I import a used car from the UK to Portugal
Antonio Evans asked 6 years ago • 
886 views0 answers0 votes
Where do upper class people go out in Milan?
Antonio Evans asked 6 years ago • ,
839 views0 answers0 votes
What to bring home from Lisbon?
Antonio Evans asked 7 years ago • ,
1557 views0 answers0 votes
Is the lisbon card worth the price?
AnsweredAntonio Evans answered 6 years ago • , ,
2417 views1 answers0 votes
What to do and see in Lisbon in 1 day?
Antonio Evans asked 7 years ago • ,
1379 views0 answers0 votes
Is this a good Lisbon itinerary?
Antonio Evans asked 7 years ago • ,
1222 views0 answers0 votes
Where do we go North of Lisbon?
Antonio Evans asked 7 years ago • ,
1490 views0 answers0 votes
What to do for a free afternoon in Lisbon and dinner?
AnsweredBlanca Valbuena answered 6 years ago • , ,
1699 views1 answers0 votes
What to do and Where to stay in the Lisbon area?
AnsweredBlanca Valbuena answered 6 years ago • , , ,
1864 views1 answers0 votes

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