If you are planning to move to Lisbon or have already relocated to Lisbon, chances are you will need a Portuguese attorney or lawyer for things like getting your Portuguese D7 visa, your NHR tax status, or doing your taxes. The legal systems here are antiquated and tedious, to say the least. Although I usually work on all my legal issues personally in the US, I have found it is just much easier and faster to work with a lawyer. For example, dealing with the AT can be frustrating.
I decided to put together this list of Lawyers in Lisbon so you have a place to get started in your search. The list includes their specialties as well as contact information and languages spoken (I’m multilingual, so I don’t always need to deal with an English speaking lawyer). I hope you find this list of attorneys in Lisbon helpful.
The list will be arranged by neighborhood and alphabetical order. I have not used all of these lawyers, so if you have, leave a comment about your experience so that others may benefit from your experience with these Portuguese Lawyers in Lisbon for Americans.
List of Lawyers and Attorneys in Lisbon Portugal for Americans

Specialties: Contracts, corporations, investment, foreign investments, and taxes.
Languages: English, Spanish, French
Address: Avenida Infante D. Henrique, 26, Lisboa (Alfama)
Phone: 217-231-800
Email: ppa@abreuadvogados.com
Nearest Metros: Tereiro do Paco or Santa Apolonia on the blue line.

Specialties: Aeronautical, maritime, banking, financial, commercial, business, civil, criminal defense, collections, damages, contracts, corporations, estates, foreign claims, foreign investments, government relations, insurance, immigration, labor relations, marketing agreements, patents, trademarks, copyrights, taxes.
Languages: English
Address: Calçada Bento da Rocha Cabral, 1 (Rato/Amoreiras/Principe Real)
Phone: 213-431-570
Email: geral@albsa.pt
Nearest Metro: Rato on the Green Line
Specialties: Banking, financial, commercial, business, damages, collections, contracts, civil laws, labor, successions, estates, foreign claims and investments, insurance, trademarks, trademark, copyright, transportation law, corporations.
Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian.
Address: Av. Alvares Cabral, 84 – 1Dt (Rato, Principe Real, Campo de Ourique)
Phone: 213-703-600
Email: lbricor@@mail.telepac.pt
Nearest Metro: Yellow to Rato.

SPECIALTIES: Corporate, mergers & acquisitions, joint ventures, real estate, tax, litigation
ADDRESS: Avenida 5 de outubro 10, 2 – 2
PHONE: 213-507-000
EMAIL: jsp@cvsp.pt
NEAREST METRO: Red or Yellow lines to Saldanha
***We have worked with Joao and his team and were very happy with their follow through and work.
Specialties: Family law, child custody, parental child abduction, child protection, marriage, divorce, insurance, banking, financial, commercial, business, foreign investments, marketing agreements, patents, trademarks, copyrights, civil law, corporation, criminal, damages, narcotics, collection, commercial, contracts, transport, aeronautical, maritime, foreign claims, taxes, government, relations, immigration, auto, accidents, claims, estates, taxes, labor.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian
Address: Praça Duque de Saldanha 1, Edif. Atrium Saldanha, 7th floor (Saldanha)
Phone: 214-191-290
Email: info@edge-il.com
Nearest Metro: Saldanha on the yellow or red line.
SPECIALTIES: Family law, banking, financial, child custody, commercial, business, patents, trademarks, copyrights, civil law, criminal defense, damages, collections, contracts, marketing agreements, marriage, divorce, corporations, estates, foreign investments, foreign claims. narcotics, transportation law.
LANGUAGES: English, French, Spanish
ADDRESS: Rua Bacelar e Silva 5, Lisbon (Saldanha/Areeiro)
PHONE: 218-400-470
EMAIL: lenia.lopes.lawyers@sapo.pt
NEAREST METRO STATION: Green line to Areeiro or Yellow line to Campo Pequeno
SPECIALTIES: Child custody, civil law, commercial, buiness, contracts, corporations, estates, family law, foreign investments, marriage, divorce.
LANGUAGES: English, French
ADDRESS: R. Fernão Lopes 9 – 3 Dto (Saldanha)
PHONE: 213-303-770
EMAIL: clementinapaiva@gmail.com
NEAREST METRO STATION: Yellow or red line to Saldanha or Yellow to Picoas.

Specialties: Insurance, banking, financial, commercial, business, foreign investments, marketing agreements, patents, trademark, copyright, civil, criminal defense, damages, contracts, transportation, corporations, aeronautical, maritime, estates, taxes, government relations, public law, public procurement, labor, immigration.
Address: Avenida da Liberdade, 249 #1
Phone: 213-587-500
Email: fcb@fcblegal.com
Nearest Metro: Marquês de Pombal on the blue or yellow line.
Specialties: Insurance, banking. financial, commercial, business, foreign investments, taxes.
Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian
Address: Praca Marqués de pombal, n° 16 — 5°
Phone: 215-915-220
Nearest Metro: Marquês de Pombal on the blue or yellow line
Specialties: Auto, accidents, child custody, child protection, civil law, commercial, business, collections, criminal defense, contracts, estates, family law, foreign claims, foreign investments, immigration, marriage, divorce, narcotics, parental child abduction.
Languages: German, Dutch, English
Address: Av. Liberdade,3 – 3 – Sala 1 (Santo Antonio & Misericordia)
Phone: 213-479-214
Email: Larrydurey-44324L@adv.oa.pt
Nearest Metro: Blue line to Restauradores

Specialties: Family law, parental child abduction, marriage, divorce, insurance, banking, financial, commercial, business, foreign investments, marketing agreements, patents, trademark, copyright, civil law, criminal defense, damages, narcotics, collections, contracts, transportation law, corporations, aeronautical, maritime, foreign claims, estates, taxes, government relations, labor relations, immigration, auto.
Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
Address: Rua do Acucar, 86
Phone: 218-622-100
Nearest Metro Stop: Red line to Oriente to 728 to Cais do Sodre.

Specialties: Banking, financial, commercial, business, collections, contracts, corporations, foreign investments, labor relations, pattent, trademark, copyright, and taxes.
Languages: English, French Spanish.
Address: Rua do Alecrim, 2E (Cais do Sodre)
Phone: 213-241-900
Closest Metro Stop: Greem Line to Cais do Sodre

Specialties: Auto, accidents, aeronautical, marine, banking, financial, child custody, child protection, commecial, business, civil, contracts, corporations, damages, estates, family law, foreign investments, foreign claims, criminal, damages, government relations, immigration, marriage, divorce, marketing agreements, insurance, labor relations, patents, trademarks, copyrights, taxes.
Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian
Address: Rua Castilho, 165
Phone: 213-817-400
Closest Metro Stop: Blue or Yellow Lines to Marques de Pombal
Specialties: Family law, child custody, civil law, criminal law, commercial law, labor relations, marriage, divorce.
LANGUAGES: English, Spanish
ADDRESS: Rua Eça de Queiroz 11
PHONE: 213-555-979
CLOSEST METRO STOP: Yellor or blue line to Marques de Pombal
SPECIALTIES: Family law, marriage, divorce, banking, financial, commercial, business, foreign investments, civil, collections, contracts, estates, immigration
LANGUAGES: French, Spanish
ADDRESS: Rua Castilho, n°, 235 2A
PHONE: 211-350-353
EMAIL: almeidaribeiro.pt
NEAREST METRO: Blue or Yellow line to Marques de Pombal or Blue or Red line to Sao Sebastiao
SPECIALTIES: Auto, accidents, child custody, civil damages, collections, contracts, corporations, estates, foreign investments, labor relations, marriage, divorce.
LANGUAGES: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German
ADDRESS: Av. Sidonio Pais, 2 – 1 Esq
PHONE: 213-170-900
EMAIL: francisco.leao@netcabo.pt
NEAREST METRO: Yellow or blue to Marques de Pombal
SPECIALTIES: Commercial, business, civil, collections, contracts, estates, labor relations
LANGUAGES: English, French, Spanish
ADDRESS: Avenida Conde de Valbom, 1 Escritorio B (Nossa Senhora de Fatima, Saldanha & Sao Sebastiao)
PHONE: 213-529-109
EMAIL: cmaltez@mman-law.com
NEAREST METRO: The red or blue line to Sao Sebastiao

SPECIALTIES: Family law, adoption, child custody, marriage, divorce, insurance, banking, financial, commercial, business. foreign investments, marketing agreements, patents, trademarks, copyrights, civil law, damages, collections.
LANGUAGES: English, French, Spanish, German
ADDRESS: Rua Professor Egad Moniz, 3 1 Esq(Benfica)
PHONE: 936-962-380
EMAIL: goncalomeneses-217741@adv.oa.pt
NEAREST METRO STATION: There is none really, just take an Uber.
***This article is a work in progress. I will be adding many more over the next few days.
Dear Madam,
Thank you for this very useful initiative. Your site is indeed helpful!
I am a non EU national (ex Indian Army officer). A couple of quick questions please, if I may:
1. What would be a fair fee by a lawyer to help secure a resident permit (via D7 visa) under ‘Passive Income’ category for retirees wanting to settle in PT?
2. What documents should be brought along from home country to submit to SEF/other authorities and what documents need to be prepared by self or lawyer to submit to SEF in order to be issued a resident permit?
3. Incidentally, how would you rate North Portugal (Braga and further north/north east of it) as places to live? Quality of life and cost of living?
Thank you so much… in advance!
Hi Bharat,
Thanks for dropping by the blog. Not sure about the lawyer fee, but I will ask around. We did all our paperwork ourselves…it is doable, but super time-consuming.
Once you are approved for your visa (you do the application in your home country), as soon as you arrive, make the appointment with the SEF. I wrote about the process at our first visa renewal appointment at the sef.
It really did not change much, but they want you to have moneys in a Portuguese bank now. That being said, you may need additional documents for other issues (for example filing taxes with the AT), so make sure to bring updated notarized copies of any documents you may need from your home country, for example: birth certificate, divorce certificate (if applicable), etc.
You’re not going to believe it, but I haven’t gone that far north. I hear great things, but I hate cold weather, so I decided to stick with Lisbon. It will be less expensive in a city like Braga when compared to Lisbon.
Wow, thank you for this. I was just about to start looking for someone to help me with the process of obtaining citizenship. Very timely!
I’m thrilled that this helped, David. I have more to add to the list, I just need a little time to finish up. Anything else you would like to see on the blog about Lisbon or Portugal?
Hi Blanca and Antonio,
I am looking to get started with the process soon. A few things I am confused about.
– Do I need to get an apartment before the appointment in the consulate?
– Do I need a bank account before I get to Portugal?
– Do I need to move my investments to a Portuguese bank?
Anyway, as you said, I think it’s best to consult with a lawyer, and I really appreciate you putting this list together.
My question is, have you used any of these immigration attorneys before? Or do you know of one that others have used? Or should I just talk to them all?
Thank you,
Hey Agnit,
The answers vary depending on where you are coming from. We came from the US a few years back, so I would always recommend that you check with the Portuguese consulate so that you don’t miss out on your visa for missing one simple thing.
– Do I need to get an apartment before the appointment in the consulate? – latest I heard – yes.
– Do I need a bank account before I get to Portugal? – No. You can get one once you arrive here in Portugal.
– Do I need to move my investments to a Portuguese bank? – If you don’t have a bank, I would take a stab at saying no. We did not when we first had to move here.
Like I said, check with your local Portuguese agency. Things change a lot in this process.
Good luck and keep us updated,
Helo Blanca, we have a very urgent situation, hope you can help somehow. Ok, so i had a serious accident here in Sao Miguel. Result was surgery and 1 year rehabilitation, kids obliged to school and after 8 months we had to write out of the Netherlands… In the meantime we had to write in here, so w now have attestado, NIFs for family with 3 children and even thye Registration permit from Camara for 5 years…All on this address in Aqua de Pau, Sao Miguel, Azores..However, we found out at Financas that the lanlord had not registered his rental income and they said the contract was ‘illegal’. The landlord now punishes us a second time by threatening to throuw us out…But..i read about the Cristas law (that our 9 month contract automaticaly becomes a year contract and even extended automatically for 3 years?) and so on, we have a written contracts, signed and we have piad rent for 9 months on his bankaccount as proof…But… can the contract be entered ‘void’ and not valid? I mean we did nothing wrong, we were being misled..and i read that even oral agremeents can hold with the new Cristas law, so the question is: can we safely assume we are ok? Please help, otherwise a family with one disbled person and 3 young kids will be on the streets after already losing everything after my accident…
Hi John,
Wow. That’s a horrible situation to be in.
I am not a lawyer, but one thing I do know is that your landlord is evading taxes.
Since the landlord did not register the lease they could be in BIG trouble with the AT.
As far as I understand things, your contract with the landlord should be legal. It is just not legal with the AT (taxes).
You may be able to leverage this so that you do not get kicked out.
I think the best thing for you to do at this point is to contact a lawyer.
Have the lawyer go through the lease that was signed and any and all communications with the landlord.
In the meantime, keep all your convos with your landlord on record (everything via email or registered letter) so that you can add anything said going forward to your leases and proof of payments.
I have a list of English-Speaking lawyers here, but you may want someone local in Sao Miguel who knows the courts. Since (at least is seems to me) that here in Portugal who you know makes a difference.
Wishing you luck with this unfortunate situation.