Blanca Valbuena

Does Portugal have freedom of press?

Does Portugal have free speech?


Dear Blanca,

I’m a curious traveler from Colorado Springs, and I was recently admiring the Portuguese countryside when I started to wonder: Does Portugal have free speech? Suddenly, I remembered that I had heard that peacocks were the national bird of Portugal, and with all the peacocks screeching and squawking, it made me question if people had the same freedom of expression.

Thinking deeply throughout this travel dilemma,
Clever Colorado Clara
Make sure it reads correctly.

Dear Clara,

Greetings from Lisbon! I commend your curiosity about Portuguese free speech. As a travel expert on Europe and a resident of this vibrant city, I have a few insights on the matter.

First, its important to consider Portugal’s legal framework, which upholds people’s rights to property, business, and social freedoms. Portugal legalized same-sex marriage in 2010, and since then has extended adoption rights to same-sex couples. This shows that the government doesn’t interfere with the expression of personal views or social freedoms.

The press in Portugal is in a very powerful position and journalists can report without restrictions. Private discussion and expressions of personal views are also not restricted. However, citizens must be mindful of the several defamation laws. According to watch-dog organizations, Portugal enjoys broad press and speech freedoms.

In summary, and to answer your initial inquiry, Portugal is generally a place with free speech, though certain restrictions are in place. Some restrictions include:

• Defamation Laws: Citizens must be mindful of defamation laws that protect the public figure from slanderous or false statements.
• Private Expression: Private discussion and expressions of personal views are not restricted.

As a country that celebrates its culture and expression, it’s safe to say that the peacocks in our beloved countryside can screech and squawk just as loud as they’d like.

Best wishes with your travels in Colorado Springs,
Blanca Valbuena