Blanca Valbuena

Where to Park the car in Lisbon when sightseeing?

AskCategory: LisbonWhere to Park the car in Lisbon when sightseeing?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 7 years ago

I will be travelling to Belem and I want to park near lisbon then go to Belem for day then see castle. Where would I park?

1 Answers
Antonio Evans Staff answered 7 years ago

Why? Go to Belem, park in the outside parking space on water and pay your daily 10 euros. Castelo is no where near Belem but you can see both in a day (I wouldn't. Sounds like alot of travel and not seeing the sites fully). Do me a favor. Go to Belem, park. Visit the monastary and tower. Then next day go and park maybe in the north near Espana and take the Metro to Marim Moniz or Rossio and just do the walk up.

Your Experience will be better.