Blanca Valbuena

Where to buy plus size clothing and toiletries?

AskCategory: LisbonWhere to buy plus size clothing and toiletries?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 7 years ago
I'm travelling for work and my luggage was delayed with no sign of it arriving anytime soon. I've called my work travel insurance and they have said I can buy some essentials, including clothes, and will be compensated. I was thinking to go to Columbo shopping centre, but can anyone tell me which stores to look at to buy plus-size clothing as well as toiletries? I know H&M for clothes, but other suggestions would be welcome For toiletries, is there a chain like Boots where I can get all the toiletries in one go - shampoo & conditioner, toothpaste, moisturiser, etc? I have really sensitive skin so I'm looking for brands like Vichy, Avene, that kind of thing.