Blanca Valbuena

Where can I buy Film for a Camera in Lisbon?

AskCategory: PortugalWhere can I buy Film for a Camera in Lisbon?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 6 years ago
I am a photographer and will be spending a few days in Lisbon before my trip to the south near Algarve.  I need to buy a few rolls of film for my trip.  I don't want to carry them from the US.  What stores has analog film.  You know the old school development type.   Thanks
2 Answers
Antonio Evans Staff answered 6 years ago

Hey Allen,

You can try FNAC they sell fujifilm I am sure of. There is one in Saldana and in all the malls. I also think you can get it developed in Corte Ingles (another place you can buy film). So try either one.

Blanca Valbuena Staff answered 6 years ago

Another place where you can buy 35mm film in Lisbon is Colorfoto. They're in the Alvalade area.