Blanca Valbuena

Where can I adopt a dog in Portugal?

AskCategory: ImmigrationWhere can I adopt a dog in Portugal?
Tony asked 7 years ago
I am just moving to Portugal next month and I want to get a Portuguese dog? Any idea where I could go to find one? I am open to shelters or even private sellers.
1 Answers
Antonio Evans Staff answered 7 years ago

Great question Tony!   When we adopted Santino we went to Pegadas & Bigodes.   We wrote about the experience here:

The whole process cost us about 80 euros but it was about a 2 hour drive north of Lisboa/Lisbon.  So you will need a car rental.

A list of shelters we have visited in our search for the little guy are:



There are a few Facebook Groups which sell dogs also but I cannot vouch for or even condone that.  Lots of times private sellers are just breeders who don't really take care of the mother dog and her puppies.   Go for a shelter and rescue a dog.  Good luck!