Blanca Valbuena

Where are the shoe stores for us mountaineers?

AskCategory: LisbonWhere are the shoe stores for us mountaineers?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 7 years ago
Cant find any decent. And yes, I have been into a few, on my walkabout ;) The great Deluge today killed my left shoe, the bottom part with the goretex membran and grip sole, left away from the shoe itself, so I am hopping around with a shoe in several parts attached in a small seam .... I need Salomon or Adidas high boots. My rheuma has contorted my ankles, them nice leather shoe all other use, can I not use I will fall on my nose. Riding boots might do but alas often tô soft in the ankel, they are designed to be nice properly. I know my doctors would have given me prostetic shoes for free indeed, but have you seen such utterly ugly shoes ?? Thus Salomon, I am now on my fourth pair in four years, but these works giving me kind of natural balanced walkin not that drunk person walkage people with similar disorder have.