Blanca Valbuena

What the heck are the lagartos people keep warning me about

AskCategory: PortugalWhat the heck are the lagartos people keep warning me about
Antonio Evans Staff asked 6 years ago
I keep hearing from people at the dog run about some lizard (at least I think that's what they said that is dangerous to dogs). Do you have any clue what they are?
1 Answers
Blanca Valbuena Staff answered 6 years ago

In Portuguese they are called lagarta do pinheiro, what we'd call a pine processionary caterpillar (since they walk right behind each other and it looks like they are in a procession). They are super dangerous, not just to dogs, but to humans also.

They hang out on trees, and dogs - being the curious little buggers they are - will smell, lick and even try to eat them.

If this happens, forget about the pine caterpillar, don't try to kill it or touch it because their hair causes skin irritation and in some people anaphylactic shock, particularly in dogs, children, and the elderly. Those caterpillars can kill your dog. This is some serious stuff.

If your dog happens to get his or her paws on one of these, head to the vet immediately. The sooner your dog is treated the better the chances that he or she will be ok. There is no real antidote to their toxin, so the area needs to be professionally washed and treated with anti-inflammatories, analgesics and antibiotics. Do not take this lightly, they are quite dangerous.

If you see trees with plastic containers around their trunk, it usually means that tree has a lagarta do pinheiro infestation. Be extra careful around these areas.