Blanca Valbuena

What are the breakdown of retirements costs in Portugal

AskCategory: PortugalWhat are the breakdown of retirements costs in Portugal
Antonio Evans Staff asked 6 years ago
I am a British pensioner from Wales who along with another couple of friends are thinking Portugal would be a spendid place to retire. We have holiday in Algarve in late 1990s and had an amazing time. Quiet, relaxing and very affordable. My partner and my pension can cover housing costs and food but we are trying to guage a proper budget. We would look for a 3-4 bedroom with sea views. Do you have a breakdown of a budget for someone like us? We don't go partying or do any of the kids things. I do want to pickup sailing though. Thank you Blanca. Your blog is a wealth of information.
1 Answers
Blanca Valbuena Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Brynn,

It really depends on where you settle. If you settle in one of the expat towns like Albufeira (full of life, restaurants, beaches, and expats), costs will be higher than if you choose a beach town that is more secluded like Fuseta (smaller, quieter town on the water with a national park)

If you purchase a 4 bedroom near the water (not saying water views) in Albufeira, that will cost you somewhere between 300k Euros & 5 million Euros. You can get a very nice place for somewhere between 450-650k.

If you were to purchase a 4 bedroom in the Fuseta area, you could buya 4 bedroom for about 250K on the lower end and 700k on the higher end. A nice place should cost you around 400k.

Food, etc would be the same. In smaller, lesser known towns, things will be less expensive. So it is just a matter of deciding what you want.

I would suggest trying out a few different towns for a period of 14 days - a month. This way you can really get an idea of what costs will be like and if you can enjoy the lifestyle there.

