Blanca Valbuena

How do I start a Saas Business?

AskCategory: TechHow do I start a Saas Business?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 7 years ago
I came on your blog last night and was like....who is this person.   Amazing.   Claps!    I am trialing Socialdraft and playing with FriendsEAT and just kinda amazed.  How do I a recent grad who does some computer science mimic you.   I know that SaaS businesses are products people purchase but how do you pick the right one? My roommate and I have a lottery app we developed that works on andriod but not on iOS.   He's leaving back to Korea at the end of the semester and I think I have to do most of the sales work.   Can you advise on the process to plan something like that?  I know you have private plan with access to you and Antonio but ...poor college student that's kinda freaking out.    Can you help?
1 Answers
Antonio Evans Staff answered 6 years ago

Congrats on the new venture. Join our Grow. Let's see if we can help!