Blanca Valbuena

Rental Contract Review

AskCategory: QuestionsRental Contract Review
Xavier asked 3 years ago

Hey Blanca,Thanks for your awesome site.I was wondering if you had an English-speaking landlord/tenant attorney you could recommend. I basically just need my rental contract reviewed so I can better understand the requirements for breaking the lease. The language regarding timing is pretty confusing. In the event I don’t have an exit option, I’d like to hire them to help negotiate an exit.Is there someone reasonable and reliable you’d recommend? I’ve reached out to a few law firms and not sure if it’s the holidays or what, but literally no on has even bothered to respond. :) Thanks,Xavier

1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 2 years ago


Sorry for the late response. I'm assuming that I am too late on this, but I do have a list of English Speaking Lawyers in Portugal that can help you.
