Blanca Valbuena

regarding copyrignt of a photo

AskCategory: Questionsregarding copyrignt of a photo
hongseolah asked 6 years ago

Greetings from Seoul,

Hi. My name is Hong Seolah, a curatorial assistant of National Museum of Korea.

My team is preparing a special exhibition "The Etruscans-Riing to Rome" to be held in July.

While researching, we found that a photo of "Serpente a Tre Teste from Tomba della Quadriga Infernale" is urgently needed for wall

graphic. Then I found you article with a photo of the serpente!

In this regard, I would like to ask how to buy a copyright of the picture and the original size of it.

Because we need the image to be 10mb at minimum.

I look forward to hearing from you

Grazie Mile!

Singcerely Yours,

Hong Seolah

1 Answers
Blanca Valbuena Staff answered 6 years ago

Hi Hong,

Send me an email at blanca at - I'll send you info there ;)
