Blanca Valbuena

need to have an individual office

AskCategory: Portugalneed to have an individual office
natacha cheri asked 4 years ago

Hello !May I need to have a place because maybe I will start soon a job in freelance as a trainer for a training center.I need to have an individual office. It is possible and how much does it cost ?Thank you !

Blanca Valbuena Staff replied 4 years ago

Hi Natacha,

It depends on the size and location. I would suggest you to idealista . pt. It is a real estate site. When you get there, select Arrendar >>>Escritorios >> and your location. This will give you a good idea as to the average prices for commercial spaces.

Good luck on the search!


1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Natacha,

Price depends on the size and location. I would suggest you to idealista . pt. It is a real estate site. When you get there, select Arrendar >>>Escritorios >> and your location. This will give you a good idea as to the average prices for commercial spaces.

Good luck on the search!
