Blanca Valbuena

Mr S J Wagstaffe

AskCategory: MedicalMr S J Wagstaffe
Stephen Wagstaffe asked 3 years ago

Good morning,

I received a written response from a business regarding an official complaint I made in their complaints book. I understood a regulatory body would look into the complaint & it would not simply for the business to respond?

Is this the correct procedure or can I expect further news?

1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Stephen,

I'm doing a little digging on this. I know that according to the type of business, it is sent to its regulatory agency. So, for example, the Direcao Nacional de Saude (RAM), or the Entidade Reguladora de Saude, INFARMED, etc. I am not 100% sure as to the process after it reaches that entity, but I will see what I can find out.
