Blanca Valbuena

Luggage on trips

AskCategory: TravelLuggage on trips
Alex Staff asked 7 years ago

What kind of luggage to you usually use when travelling? What's the recommended one for a convenient travel?

1 Answers
Best Answer
Antonio Evans Staff answered 7 years ago

I travel with a hard case usually about 67/45 (height and width) and a backpack. I keep personals in the backpack carry on and typicals in the case. If I am lucky to do business class in second case (usually same size because too hard to manage 2-cases thru customs) I'd put my shoes or a second suit for nice dinners and meetings.

One of the things always suggest to travelers is pack less and just buy when you are their. Their are in expensive local stores to get a shirt or some slack and discount stores (H&M, Zara etc) which will have something to match the exact weather. Don't pack too much....except shoes. Shoes make a man.