Blanca Valbuena

How Is There Life In Northern Portugal ?

AskCategory: BragaHow Is There Life In Northern Portugal ?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 6 years ago
So we are considering moving from Dubai back to Portugal and we were thinking about the north near Braga.  My partner is a Spaniard but not a fan of most of Spain hence our years abroad.   Portugal seems like a good medium point and the prices in Braga seem very affordable.  Do you have any experience living there?  Is the weather that much different than Lisbon (which we know well).  Also, do you know of a realtor for the area who speaks English or Spanish?  We can pay the fee.  Thank you.
1 Answers
Blanca Valbuena Staff answered 6 years ago

I have not lived in Braga, but I do hear it is a nice city that is growing. It's not so far from Porto either, so if you get bored you can always head there.

Since it is the north, the weather will not be as mild as Lisbon. Summer in Braga is short, warm, dry. Winters are cold and wet. your average temperatures will vary from 42°F to 80°F. It doesn't really go under 34°F or over 91°F.

I'll ask around to see if any friends have realtors in the area.