Blanca Valbuena

evacuation in winter ..?

AskCategory: Questionsevacuation in winter ..?
chaym feldman asked 3 years ago

Ola Blancavalbuena ..

Thank you for creating this page..

we live in a rented house for 2 yeras already and recently our landowner told us to leave in December , giving us 3 months to find a new appartment only because his brother is coming to visit for a while..

Can a landlord take out a family in winter so suddenly .. ? i know according to the Tenant laws in France this is not allowed ..

1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Chaym,

Yes, the landlord can end the lease early as long as they give you proper notice. This can happen if a tenant hasn't paid rent on time for I believe 3 months. They can also terminate the lease if the tenant is against the work being done by a public entity. Another reason would be if the tenant is habitually late (more than 8 days late, 4 times during the contract - it does not matter if they are consecutive or not).

If it is just due to his family coming in, I think you should contact a lawyer, as far as I know, this is a reason to not continue a lease when it is coming to an end, but not a reason to end the lease early.
