Blanca Valbuena

EHIC without a NISS

AskCategory: QuestionsEHIC without a NISS
Fransis Hardcastle asked 3 years ago


Thank you for this forum and for your wealth of information!

My question is regarding the EHIC. According to the website, my kids and I can obtain it through my husband, who has the NISS. He received his card but we can't figure out how to register the rest of us. It keeps asking for our NISS. We won't be able to obtain that since the kids and I don't work. Also, we all have SNS and NIF numbers.

Thank you!



Can you help please?

1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 3 years ago

Hi Fransis,

I didn't get this, but I did a google search on how to get your EHIC.

If someone does not yet have a NISS assigned, the CESD is issued on the basis of the National Health Service user card.

Looks like you can request it at the Social Security Direct online service and in the Social Security + Próxima Mobile APP for “Card Issuance”.

I would also try your local Loja de Cidadao.

It should take you about a week to get it.

Hope this points you in the right direction.
