Blanca Valbuena

What should I expect to pay for dinner in Lisbon?

AskCategory: LisbonWhat should I expect to pay for dinner in Lisbon?
Antonio Evans Staff asked 6 years ago
I am trying to get an idea what my budget should be like for my stay in Lisbon.  I am retired but I have a budget of about 4k for this trip.  It will only be me.  Is that expensive, cheap??
1 Answers
Antonio Evans Staff answered 6 years ago
4k?  You\'re fine.   Dinners are 5 - 20 euro depending on where you are going.  I usually spend about 8 per dinner.   When I do a restaurant review prices can go a bit higher but not by much.  Lunch about the same.  Just do a typical place if your in that mood.  There are a few places that are quite expensive so keep that in mind.