Blanca Valbuena


AskCategory: LisbonWalking
Darren McMahon asked 4 years ago

Great website, very helpful indeed.

Regarding Lisbon, and Avenidas Novas, I wonder if you could give me your opinion on something. My girlfriend will be working at the Hospital Santa Maria and we will most likely be staying around Avenidas Novas/entrecampos.

Apart from the usual sensible measures i think she would like to know if it is generally safe to walk to and from the hospital in this area. Is this something you might have an experienced opinion on ? would you do it yourself, at night perhaps ?

I dont want to alarm her, she is pretty streetwise also so i think she just wants to guage the situation

Mant thanks

1 Answers
Blanca Staff answered 2 years ago

Hi Darren,

The area is pretty safe. It's right near the college. I was the area at night with my puppy. Of course, it is always good to take precautions, but I think she will be ok.

